How to make reader journeys easier with UX copywriting

Async Labs
4 min readOct 12, 2021

Small words make a big difference.

Do you know that websites with a “superior” user experience can have 400% higher visit-to-lead conversions?

User experience is not only about the functionality of the website. Today, UX copywriting has become an essential element of every successful business and website.

How to improve UX copywriting and provide a better user experience for your website, and what does UX copywriting look like in practice? Let's find out.

What is UX copywriting?

UX copywriting, or User Experience, is a design discipline that aims to enhance the user experience with the help of UX content and microcopy.

The goal is to make sure people have a great user experience while using your product or service.

The conversation is the heart of UX writing. UX writing creates a friendly and inspiring “conversation” between the user and the digital product by mixing words and images, functions, and other digital elements.

Why small words matter

Microcopy for better user experience

Microcopy describes the tiny copy bits (a single word or phrase) on a product’s interface that appear throughout an app or website.

These short sentences, words, or phrases are used to grab users’ attention and provide relevant information that guides them through the website or app.

Microcopy is anywhere, from headings, button titles, and navigation, guiding users on the actions you want them to take. For example, a microcopy can be the CTA button that tells the user which next step to take.

A good microcopy has to be short, targeted, and contextual.

When generating leads, sales, and other goals, a good copy vs. a lousy copy makes the difference between a successful and failed project.

A copywriter is interested in different metrics related to the content. These metrics include click-through rates, conversion rates, time spent on the page, bounce rates, etc.

UX writer is interested in metrics related to product usages like daily active usage, daily sessions, ease of use, “stickiness”, user satisfaction, and creating a more inclusive user experience.

What does a UX copywriter do?

  • Creates and implements a content strategy
  • Creates a seamless user flow throughout the app or website
  • Writes CTA buttons
  • Notifications, warnings, and errors
  • Creates lists and forms
  • Instructions and information on how to use the product (for example, install the app)

Examples of UX copywriting

Page not found errors: This is the perfect playground for UX writers, and Mailchimp is a perfect example. When errors occur, give your users something funny and entertaining to help assuage their frustration.

Simple questions: Asking politely always works better than a command. Netflix knows how to do it by simply asking their users the question Who’s watching?

Clever Call to Actions: Write concise and descriptive CTAs that guide users along.

Offer your users proper CTA, so they can choose an option they are looking for, just like in an example above.

Bonus tips on how to quickly improve UX copywriting and provide a better user experience

Make your customers’ life easier by implementing some of the key principles of UX copywriting.

1. Identify and research your ideal user

Find out their wishes, problems, level of education, financial situation, geographic location to answer the question of what could drive your users to take action (buy your product or service).

2. Put your users in the first place

Avoid writing too much about yourself and your company. Write for your users. People want to know how you can solve their problems and what solutions you offer to them.

3. Focus on benefits

Emphasize how you’re gonna benefit the user and how your product or service can improve their life.

4. Set the tone and voice

Voice is the way you talk to your users, your personality. It can be bold, but not arrogant; irreverent, but not offensive; loud, but not obnoxious.

The tone is your attitude and the way you speak within the context. It can be friendly, exciting, direct, or sorry.

5. Use familiar and straightforward language

Write short and clear sentences to avoid ambiguity and help users understand the product better. If users aren't sure which next step to take or where to find information, they will leave your site.

6. Use storytelling technique

Tell a story to create a better user experience. Storytelling is one of the best ways to create narratives that empower your brand or digital product.

ANSWER users’ questions and GUIDE them

Lately, companies globally are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of original digital content and its impact on user behavior, which has led to an increase in demand for UX writers in the business market.

Listen to your audience and write for them. Understand user needs, desires, frustrations, and fears to provide them with an enjoyable user experience.

Want to learn more about UX copywriting? Check out our full article Why Is UX Copywriting Essential for the Website?



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